Designing Electronic Devices with Awareness
NetChime Research announced today the release of NetChime Mobile Phone Spy Block ver 1.0.
This patent pending product snaps onto an Apple iPhone 4 or 4S and disables the cameras and the built-in microphone.
It prevents spyware or malware running on the phone from surreptiously viewing or listening in on the phone's rightful owner.
Malicious spyware attacks have been reported by celebrities using PCs.
For example, recently, Miss Teen USA, Cassidy Wolf, was the victim of "sextortion" when a hacker threatened to post nude pictures of her.
These pictures were taken using a camera connected to a computer in her bedroom. This attack did not involve the use of a mobile phone,
but similar hacker technologies exist for mobile devices.
In fact, such spying software can be readily purchased for the iPhone.
Concerns over the extent of government snooping may also be causing mobile phone users to consider countermeasures.
These concerns have been heightened by recent statements made by Edward Snowden,
a former employee of the NSA, who disclosed information regarding government domestic surveilance programs.
Mobile Phone Spy Block disables the cameras by covering the cell phone camera lenses.
It also contains some electronics that will cause the internal microphone of the mobile phone to be disabled.
NetChime acknowledges that there are some countermeasures a hacker might employ to get around the audio blocking feature of the
Mobile Phone Spy Block design for the iPhone,
but claims Mobile Phone Spy Block will still work against currently available mobile phone spyware.
Not wanting to give mobile phone crackers an edge, NetChime Research declined to reveal more about these countermeasures,
but suggested a more robust solution might be possible with future iPhone hardware designs.
Depending on the market's acceptance of Mobile Phone Spy Block ver 1.0, NetChime Research may develop similar products for other
versions of mobile phones, tablets and laptops. Currently, NetChime Research LLC is suggesting a retail price of $30 for Mobile Phone Spy Block.
iPhone with NetChime Mobile Phone Spy Block attached.
NetChime Mobile Phone Spy Block disables the mobile phone's video and audio inputs.
See also
Mobile Phones NSA Surveillance Use the Flaws?
Sextortion Plot
Spying Using Cellphone Microphone
Spying On An iPhone